主要研究 商业分析中心 and Synectics create unique partnership to bring real-world, 学生面临的大数据问题

Synectics COO 杰夫矛 speaks with people at the 主要研究 商业分析中心

Synectics的执行团队, 包括首席运营官杰夫·斯皮尔斯, visited the 主要研究 商业分析中心 to kick of the first large-scale industry partnership.

当永利app新版本官网地址 商业分析中心 去年推出, it laid out its mission to connect industry partners with the university’s talented pool of students and 教师. The goal is two-fold: to help companies harness the power of big data and employ analytics tools to create value for their business, as well as to provide educational opportunities for students to build their capacity to manage and analyze data through real-world projects.

今年夏天,该中心获得了第一次大规模合作伙伴关系 综合管理决策,公司., 一个阿灵顿, 总部位于弗吉尼亚州的解决方案专家公司专注于联邦数据收集, 存储, 清洁, 分析, 可视化, 报道, 并最终使其对利益相关者及其选民有意义.

执行团队,包括首席运营官 杰夫矛, visited the center to kick-off the partnership and meet with the interns working on their projects, 其他学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和利益相关者. 今年8月,Synectics在华盛顿特区举办了为期三天的该中心.C., to learn more about the company and the city, and to share their progress on the analysis projects. 这是学生实习生第一次参观D.C.

“What makes this partnership unique is that we are bringing industry right onsite to work on real projects for Synectics,” Nagaraj Bukkapatnam他是主要研究商业分析中心的主任,该中心是P的一部分一特T. 保罗经济与商业学院. COO 杰夫矛 is at the center four times a month to mentor students and hold office hours for anyone interested in learning about data analytics or governmental contracting.

Spears said the partnership was seeded by the company’s desire to open an office in another state. 它考虑的是德克萨斯州, Florida and New Hampshire and ultimately landed in New Hampshire when he learned of the 主要研究 商业分析中心.

“What impressed me was the dual mission of supporting students from across academic disciplines and working in partnership with industry,Synectics首席运营官杰夫·斯皮尔斯说. “I now work with a team of interns who are not only strengthening their analytical skills, but also leading a team and building project management skills – both in demand when they graduate and move into industry.”

Having Synectics on-site at the center for this project is already making an impact on several graduate student interns. 项目团队包括保罗学院的学生 辛西娅·刘(MBA) 阿里玛拉 (经济学博士), Jarin斯拉姆 (财务硕士)和项目经理 Fahime Ebrahimi (经济学博士).

Ebarhimi, who earned her undergraduate degree in industrial engineering from Yazd University and master’s in economics from the Institute for Management and Planning Studies in Iran, 她来到联合国大学攻读经济学博士学位. 作为项目经理, she leads the team as they work on complex analytics problems using a tool called UiPath, 是什么让软件机器人为客户自动处理大数据文件.


“我正在做的项目帮助我获得了新的技能, 让我把我的知识应用到现实世界的案例中, 同时在行业内建立联系,Ebarhimi说.

Spears elaborated on the students’ project describing how they are working directly with Synectics data scientists to automate a process that is currently labor intensive.

syntics首席运营官杰夫·斯皮尔斯(杰夫矛)在马里兰大学(主要研究)给学生喷水.C.Synectics this summer hosted the 商业分析中心 工作人员 and student interns for three days in Washington, D.C., to learn about the company and city and to share progress on the analysis project.

“Our analysts work with data from so many sources and the way that data is organized and presented is not consistent—things like different fonts, 空格或字符需要编辑器手动使数据一致,斯皮尔斯说. “对于这个由中心实习生开发的工具, the goal is to prove it can work in the lab environment and eventually in real business operations, ultimately freeing up the time of data scientists to work on the more complex problems.”

斯皮尔斯说,虽然团队了解这些工具, 他们需要相关领域的专家来了解这些数据的用途. Giving students the opportunity to build cutting-edge skills with companies like Synectics provides them with a competitive advantage to enter the workforce.

Bukkapatnam说,除了与学生一起工作, Spears will be delivering a series of no-cost workshops for businesses interested in government contract work. 斯皮尔斯和该中心也将与 NH小企业发展中心 帮助客户解决业务问题. The center’s paid student interns essentially become consultants for these businesses.